Sunday 9th March 2025

Good Morning Kix Country!

It has been a while since I have written a blog post. Between being on vacation last week and filling in for a co-worker the week before, I have been slacking on writing. No more though! I am back and it is the busy summertime season. One Iowa Speedway weekend down and two to go. We also have lots of fairs and festivals left to celebrate this summer. So what I am saying is that I am back and ready to go! I hope to see you when I am out and about in the next two months. I will let you know where I am going to be.

In case you are wondering, my vacation was Awesome! I got to see so many people. Some of them I hadn’t seen in 20 years! That was at my High School Reunion. One of my friends pointed out that although we only spent between 4 and 12 years together and have been apart for 20 years, we all still know each other so well. It was such an easy and fun time. I am really glad that I went.

I also went to a family reunion and got to see a cousin that lives near Lake Tahoe. As you can imagine, he doesn’t visit very often so it was great to meet his wife and baby and see all the rest of my Dad’s side of the family. There was a bunch of great food and lots and lots of hugs!

The third reunion in two days was with the band I used to sing in. Apparently it was formed 10 years ago so we had a party/gig at a local bar in Lawrence, Ks and I got to sing with some old friends there too! So much fun!

As with so many people, I feel like I need a vacation to rest up from my vacation, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything! Between all the people I saw, quality time with family and a really nice tan from the lake, I think this might be the best vacation I have ever had. Yep. Definitely.

Have a great day!

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