Wednesday 12th March 2025

Really…it won’t be long until the white stuff that is bugging us is a distant memory. Then we just might be complaining about bugs.

The U-S-D-A offers Iowans a website that’s a clearinghouse of all sorts of invasive insects that could threaten our gardens, trees, yards and crops. Greg Ibach (EYE-baw), Under Secretary of Marketing and Regulatory Programs, says we humans help transport the critters when we move firewood, but that  isn’t the only way insects may be trying to hitch a ride

Ibach says invasive pests can also travel through the mail. If you’ve ordered a package from outside the U-S, he says to inspect it closely inside and out to insure there isn’t anything attached that could be harmful. Damage from these pests costs our nation 40-billion dollars each year.

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