Wednesday 12th March 2025

BY the middle or late part of 2020, a refurbised Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum could be open for use, pending the success of a fund raising campaign with a goal of one-point-35 million dollars.

A fund raising website, with some of the long history of the Coliseum and plans for the rebuilt Coliseum will be live tomorrow at , also celebrating the 90 year history of the facility.

A fund raising committee is leading the efforts. Co-Chairman Steve Storjohann remembered all the events that have utilized the Coliseum over the years, as well as the Committee’s hope. He says the plan is for the newly remodeled Coliseum to be utilized even more so than in the past.

A new gymnasium minus the stage and balcony, the women’s restrooms as  a multi-media meeting room, the Blue Room will be another meeting area, complete with a kitchen and restrooms, while the second floor will take the shape of a large multi-purpose room that may be divided into three smaller meeting rooms, along with a new West entry with an elevator.

City Administrator Jessica Kinser adds the intention is that the Coliseum once again becomes a true community center.

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