Saturday 1st February 2025

The prospect of a new use for the former K-Mart store in Marshalltown remains unclear after last night’s Marshalltown City Council meeting.

The issue is the proposed locating of storage close to the property line on Center Street. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended rejecting that portion of the re-zoning for the project. The City Council initially rejected that recommendation, then reversed itself two weeks ago. At last night’s meeting, the approval of that rezoning was held up due to the absence of two Councilors and the three-two vote  did not meet the majority guideline of four votes required for the ordinance. Afterwards, U-Haul Marketing Company President Randy Dickson state, as it reads now, the ordnance is a deal-killer, adding the site won’t look as bad as some folks fear.

Dickson added that he would be looking into other options between now and the next Council meeting April 8th.

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