Biggest Office Pet Peeves … according to a new study of 1,000 people by Zety.
Not enough coffee left in the pot.
Coworkers coming to work sick.
Coworkers coming in late or leaving early.
Printer out of paper, jammed or broken.
Coworkers chatting with each other or on the phone in a shared room.
A/C too cold.
A/C too hot.
Slow Wi-Fi.
No clean dishes to use.
People using your mug.
Not enough interaction with colleagues.
Coworkers not washing hands before leaving the bathroom.
Elevator out of service.
Coworkers’ bad breath or body odor.
Coworkers texting/browsing social media during work hours.
Not enough sockets available.
Coworkers’ chewing on pens/pencils.
Malfunctioning hardware or slow computer.
Conversations about politics or religion.
Not enough parking space.
People calling or arranging meetings to discuss things that “could have been an email.”
Coworkers or clients following up too soon.
People using too much cologne or perfume.
Too many meetings.
People using too much jargon and buzzwords.
Company firewall.
Depressing decor or bad lighting.
Being involved in conversations in a bathroom.
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