Tuesday 11th March 2025

What a great event we have with Pack the Backpack, presented by Central Office Supply, a division of Minuteman and Kix 101.1! Each month during the school year, we will be awarding $101 to a Kix Country classroom to help out with supplies. We will award the prize on the last Wednesday of the month. You can listen to each new winner at 8:30a on the Morning Kix Start.

Our March winner is 1st grade teacher at East Marshall Elementary School, Ms. Victoria Johnston. Victoria was nominated by Caitlin Mull, Bailey Sonderleiter and her nomination was supported by Principal Cathy DeBondt. Below are two of the nomination letters. 

Hi there! 

I’d like to nominate my son’s teacher Miss Johnston for the Pack the Backpack! She is a first year teacher and is at East Marshall Elementary School. She teaches 1st grade and I’m sure would love to be surprised by this generous gesture of receiving the $101 dollars for her classroom! Knowing a lot of first year teachers, I’m sure she would use the money for basics for her kiddos of expo markers, notebooks, folders, laminating sheets or other supplies. She is so kind, supportive, always keeps parents up to date with the class and my son just adores her! Thank you for considering! 

-Caitlin Mull, mom of Berkley Mull – student in Miss Johnston’s class 

Ms. Johnston is a first year teacher & teaches first grade at East Marshall Elementary. I support her nomination for demonstrating the Mustang STRONG characteristics:

S: (Supportive: Always be helpful)

Even as a first year teacher, she is very supportive of other new professionals as she is attentive to others needs’ as well as being willing to share her own challenges. She is supportive of the needs of all students whether they are academic, social, or emotional.

T: (Thoughtful: Follow the Golden Rule.)

Ms. Johnston follows the Golden Rule by treating others the way she would want to be treated. Her interactions with students and staff are positive. 

R: (Respectful and Responsible: do your job!)

Responsible: In July, she was already eager to get into the classroom to begin preparations for her first year of teaching. She attended trainings in early August to learn about the Workshop Model, which is a framework used building wide.

Respectful:  Ms. Johnston’s interactions with students, staff, and parents are respectful. 

O: (Optimistic: look on the bright side)

Ms. Johnston comes to school each day being optimistic and having a positive attitude – even during difficult and challenging times. 

N: (Neighborly: Be a good friend)

Ms. Johnston is cooperative, considerate, kind, and welcoming.

G: (Growth minded- Never give up!)

Being growth minded Ms. Johnston collaborates with colleagues, students, and parents to help everyone be successful.  She met with a team of colleagues on many Monday mornings at 7:30 to put strategies and supports in place for students. She works closely with her grade level partner daily and during PLCs and clusters focusing on student data to drive instruction. I appreciate Ms. Johnston being coachable and her willingness to work with our instructional coach on classroom procedures and routines.  She is definitely willing to try new approaches she feels will benefit her students. 

Cathy DeBondt – East Marshall Elementary Principal

Luckily before the coronavirus hit and sent the students home for four weeks, we were able to surprise everyone at East Marshall during an all school assembly. Check out the video!


Nominate your Kix Country class by submitting a letter to us at backpack@kixweb.com.

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