Tuesday 11th February 2025

Governor Kim Reynolds may announce a decision on how the school year may end for Iowa’s K-through-12 students as early as today.

In mid-March, Reynolds recommended that schools suspend classes until Monday, April 13th. President Trump has extended federal social distancing guidelines until April 30th and urging Americans not to gather in groups. Reynolds says her day started with a meeting to examine how students may be able to take classes online for the remainder of the school year.

Last week, the Iowa Department of Education changed rules so schools now may issue grades and credits for classes completed online.

Wisconsin’s governor ordered his state’s schools to close, with no date set for reopening. School buildings in Kansas are closed for the rest of the school year. Schools in South Dakota, Minnesota and Illinois are currently closed at least through the end of April. All schools in Missouri and Nebraska are closed and the governors of those two neighboring states are allowing local districts to decide when to reopen.

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