Saturday 22nd February 2025

Raymon Company in Albion has switched production to be a solution in a time of need.

Raymon Company along with Iowa’s Best Country, KIX 101.1, News Talk 1230 KFJB, Smokin’ G’s BBQ, and Sign Creations, with approval from The City of Marshalltown are sponsoring a mask giveaway.

A contactless give a way will take place this Saturday April 11 from Noon to 3pm while supplies last. These  reusable cloth masks will include cleaning instructions.

Masks will be given out  at the new Marshalltown Police and Fire Station located at  909 South Second Street on the East Side of the building. Please Enter from High street and exit on South 2nd Street.

Please limit quantity to the number of people in your household. Should demand be high there are plans to give away more masks next week and for as long as demand remains.


  1. Becky Bogard

    AWESOME! Kudos to you donco! I have 7 adults in my house and 2 under the age of 1. I worry all the time that them little ones, my elderly dad, or me with my lung disease will get this virus! God bless you

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