Monday 6th January 2025

The COVID-19 virus has brought us unprecedented times.  Who would have thought as we were counting down on New Year’s Eve from 2019 into 2020 that you would be reading this while quarantined in your home, or wearing a mask to go to the grocery store?

Let me preference the rest of this article.  It does not applaud or disparage any particular side of our government.  I am simply laying out some facts and some hopes for the next few weeks.

Many people have or will be receiving a government stimulus check. (Direct Deposit) $1200 for most adults depending on your salary and $500 for each child in your household.

The question is….what are you going to do with that money?

I understand that for some people that money will HAVE to go to paying the electric or water bill.  Possibly pay your mortgage or rent.  Maybe it has to go to buying groceries.  Those items have to be dealt with and hopefully the stimulus dollars you receive will cover all or some of those expenses.

BUT, here is my hope!  For those of you that have gotten a stimulus check and are ABLE to, I really hope you will consider spending those stimulus dollars locally at a local business!

Both of our radio stations, Iowa’s Best Country, KIX 101.1 and News Talk 1230 KFJB work so closely with so many local businesses that have been hit hard by COVID-19.  And some of THOSE businesses were hit hard back in July of 2018 by the EF-3 tornado.

You have heard me use the following statement following the 2018 tornados but I want to say (or type) it again.  “It is more important to SHOP LOCAL NOW than ever before to help support these hometown businesses that help support people in our community who live here, work here and pay taxes here with their children going to school here.”

Go out to eat locally.  Want to make improvements to your house?  Possibly paint, or carpet or windows etc. do it with a local business.  Gonna buy a new car or truck….wait for it…buy it LOCALLY.  The list goes on and on and on of items and services that you can spend your stimulus dollars on LOCALLY!

I’ve also said this line before but it bears repeating; “Many of the clients and businesses we work with are not just “clients” they have become our friends and neighbors and we want nothing more than to see them succeed, thrive and grow.”  And you can help them succeed buy shopping local.

The old saying goes “the big get bigger and the small get smaller”.  What is it going to take to make that an obsolete term?  When will we be able to see a local business get bigger and the bigger conglomerates realize that they cannot compete with the service and products that only a LOCAL business can provide.  There is a place for big and small alike but let’s all do what we can to make sure that local business is here now and well into the future.  A vibrant and full Main Street is a beautiful thing and that can ONLY happen with your support.

So, do you Talk the Talk or do you Walk the Walk when it comes to buying locally?

Please Walk the Walk and shop local no matter where local is for you.

Todd Steinkamp




General Manager
Iowa’s Best Country, KIX 101.1 & News Talk 1230 KFJB



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