Monday 3rd February 2025


From Commandant Timon Oujiri:

1 resident tested positive on Friday 24 APR and 1 tested positive on Saturday 25 APR. 70 residents have tested negative. After a resident tests positive, IVH tests all residents in the household and those tests are ongoing.  IVH is continually in communication with family members. To date, 118 staff members were tested due to reports of COVID-19 symptoms, 11 staff have tested positive and each is placed off work for a minimum of 21 days. Thursday 23 APR IVH began testing all staff. The first report of results returned Saturday 25 APR with 127 negatives with 1 positive.

No visitors have been allowed as of Saturday 14 MAR. The only exception is for one individual to visit an end of life resident after being screened and provided full PPE. IVH has followed CDC, IDPH guidelines to protect residents and staff to limit the spread.

All staff are expected to wear a surgical mask and face shield or goggles at all times, upon entry at the screening station. All staff who care for residents in isolation wear full PPE including N95 masks and gowns. The two residents who tested positive were immediately transported to VADM for precautionary care. All staff have been provided education on proper use of PPE including proper handwashing.

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