Wednesday 12th March 2025

With all of the things that are worrying us as we approach the end of 2020, one expert says we can rest easy about the safety of poinsettias. While there are long-standing rumors about the red-and-green flowers traditionally associated with Christmas being deadly if eaten, Tammy Noble of the Iowa Poison Control Center, says it ain’t so.  One study found that a child would have to eat as many as 500 poinsettia leaves to become poisoned, but aside from that, Noble says the leaves taste terrible so no one would likely ever eat a lethal dose of them. They’re a lovely plant, she says, and they shouldn’t concern you.

Other plants that may appear in your house during the year-end holidays could pose a more significant threat. Noble says to take care with holly berries and mistletoe as they -can- be poisonous. If you have a question or concern, call the Sioux City-based Iowa Poison Control Center anytime at 1-800-222-1222.