Tuesday 11th March 2025

Runaway June star Natalie Stovall tested positive for the coronavirus over the holidays. She and her husband, musician James Bavendam, both battled COVID-19 over Christmas. 

Stovall said, “We’ve had a full-on COVID Christmas round these parts. I tested positive a few weeks ago and hunkered down with lots of grocery deliveries… So thankful it was a mild case. Just achy, exhausted and so strange not to taste or smell! But I have been cleared by Vanderbilt (medics) and am immune/not contagious for at least 90 days. Guess that’s the silver lining here. I know so many people hurting and affected by this awful disease. James and I are definitely counting our blessings. Stay safe and healthy out there, y’all. Here’s to getting back to normalcy.”

Stovall is the second member of the Runaway June trio get COVID-19.  Her bandmate, Jennifer Wayne, had coronavirus last April. On a positive note, Runaway June ended 2020 with some good news as Wayne and bandmate Naomi Cook both became engaged over the holidays.

Runaway June’s Natalie Stovall Had COVID-19 Over Christmas Break

Via theboot.com

Editorial credit: Debby Wong / Shutterstock.com