Wednesday 12th March 2025

Monday's Prep Results

GIRLS SOCCER Columbus                     10   Marshalltown                   0 Collins-Maxwell          5      Iowa Falls-Alden             2 GIRLS TRACK Marshalltown 3rd...

Play Ball!

The long wait is almost over for the Iowa Cubs who open the new season Tuesday night at home against Indianapolis. For most of...

A Win For Ethanol

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has rescinded three waivers that had excused Sinclair Oil refineries in Wyoming from the federal requirement to blend ethanol...

Blazin' In The Fields

It’s been a busy last week or so for Iowa farmers. The new U-S-D-A crop report shows nearly half of the state corn crop...

Bambino's Is The Best

When you say Bambino to baseball fans, Babe Ruth comes immediately to mind. In our state, if you say Bambino’s, you’re talking about Iowa’s...