Friday 31st January 2025

Iowans are hearing plenty about flu shots and COVID-19 boosters, but a lung doctor says another vaccine needs to share the spotlight. It’s called T-Dap, for tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis. Dr. Panagis Galiatsatos (PANNA-geese GALLEY-say-toes), a spokesman for the American Lung Association in Iowa, says pertussis or whooping cough can lead to life-threatening problems. Pertussis is a serious respiratory illness that’s easily spread from person to person. It can lead to severe and even life-threatening problems, especially for people with chronic lung conditions.

In Iowa, there were 244 cases in 2019 which is roughly about eight cases per 100,000 which puts Iowa in the middle of all 50 states. Galiatsatos says those are 244 cases too many. He adds those are preventable diseases for adults.