Tuesday 25th February 2025

The Poweshiek County Supervisors this week heard from represen5tatives from the Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging regarding available services that are currently provided by the organization within the county.

The county board was informed that the congregate meal locations sites have decreased over the last few years, as well as those eating and congregating with others at those locations.

A program called “Iowa Cafe” is now in place where the Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging partners with local restaurants to provide hot meals. Agency representatives are currently working with West Side Diner in Grinnell to administer the program. The program allows for one meal per day with a maximum of 12 meals per month. The program serves as an alternate option to the previous congregate meals site and allows individuals choices of meals and a time for socializing.

The county board was also informed that the agency is now working to try to start up home delivered hot meals in the Grinnell area. It was noted that “Mom’s Meals” will still be offered as an alternative option to those in rural communities.