Wednesday 26th February 2025

A Nevada school teacher was recognized Friday as bring one of the best agricultural teachers and national FFA organization chapter leaders in Iowa.

Kevin Cooper received a $500 check and a plaque as a “Golden Owl Award” finalist – one of seven such finalists in Iowa and among 166 teachers in the state who were nominated.

The program is sponsored by Nationwide Insurance and the Iowa FFA Foundation to recognize agricultural educators.

Students, district staff, and community members were on hand Friday to honor Cooper, with representatives from the Iowa Department of Education and Ag Education Department officials also taking part in the event.

Cooper has been teaching since 1983 and has been with the Nevada school system since 1988.

On April 11th, Cooper will be honored at the Iowa State FFA Leadership Conference in Ames. If Cooper is selected as a Grand Prize Golden OWL winner, he will receive $3,000 and a trophy.