Wednesday 12th February 2025

Sal’s Cupboard, the food pantry located at the Salvation Army in Marshalltown is seeking additional meat products for families in need.

In the month of February, Sal’s Cupboard assisted 266 families/individuals with food, an increase from the average 200 families.

Inflation is believed to be a direct result of the increased number of visits to Sal’s Cupboard.

The Salvation Army is seeking assistance from Marshall County to help fill Sal’s Cupboard’s meat shelves.  All donations of meat can be made at 107 West State Street.  Receipts for the donations will be provided upon request.

The Salvation Army continues to do the most good through donations received from the local community and funding obtained through local fundraising efforts.

For further information, you can contact Derice Aragon by telephone at (641) 753-5236 or via email at