Monday 24th February 2025

The firm of Clifton-Larson-Allen LLP has released an audit report for Hansen Family Hospital in Iowa Falls for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021.

The report shows the hospital’s revenues for the period totaled $33,066,607, a thirty-five-point-five-seven percent increase from the prior year.  The revenues included $26,979,936 in patient service revenue, $1,187,219 of operating revenue, $2,751,573 of non-capital grants and contributions, and $2,100,000 of debt forgiveness.

Expenses for the year ended June 30, 2021 totaled $27,404,801, a 14.05 percent increase from the prior year, and included $8,312,228 for salaries and wages, $2,137,712 for employee benefits, and $14,481,746 for supplies and other expenses.

A copy of the audit report is available for review in the hospital CEO’s office and in the office of the auditor of state.