Monday 10th March 2025

At this week’s regular meeting, the Poweshiek County Supervisors received an update from Sandy Ross, County  Treasurer, who provided information regarding some proposed legislation which could affect property taxes and credits.   Ross also noted that the contiguous county new vehicle registration process officially went into effect on February 24th.

A public hearing was held by the board to receive comments on a proposed amendment to the county’s 2022 fiscal year-end budget.  County Auditor Missy Eilander noted some proposed changes in departmental appropriations were the reason for the amendment.  a resolution was then adopted formally authorizing the said departmental changes to take effect for the fiscal year ending June 30th of 2022.

The board this week also approved a utility permit on behalf of Windstream Iowa Communications, LLC, for work in sections 27, 28, 33, and 34 of Chester Township.

A service agreement was later approved by the board with Steller Service, LLC, for jail commissary services.

The board also approved the appointments of Monica and Richard Moyer to serve as campground hosts for the Poweshiek County Conservation Department.