Friday 21st February 2025

At its March 15th board meeting, the Marshalltown Water Works Board of Trustees held a public hearing and approved a water rate increase for all customers which will be effective July 1st, 2022.

It’s estimated that single person homes will see a monthly increase in the drinking water portion of their utility bill of approximately $1.40 per month and that a family of four will see an increase of approximately $3.15 per month. Business customers can call Marshalltown water Works for an estimate of their bill amounts reflecting the proposed rate increase.

The increase is needed or continued funding for annual operation and maintenance expenses, aging water main replacement, the annual loan repayment for the 2017 treatment plant project and other improvements needed to continue provision of reliable service.

The Marshalltown Water Works Board of Trustees fully understands the importance of keeping water rates affordable. The board also understands the need for providing a reliable source of safe drinking water. The proposed rate increase is designed ot help balance those priorities.