Thursday 6th March 2025

On Monday, the Marshall County Conservation Board held a public hearing for a proposed bridge replacement project involving the Three Bridges suspension bridge with a bid being awarded to Weidner Construction Corporation of Marshalltown for the project. The bridge replacement project is slated to being July 1st.

The board rejected a bid received for the Green Castle Campground project, citing concerns with not having enough monies available at this time to proceed with the project. Local officials hope to rework the bid package in an effort to obtain a more affordable cost estimate.

The board also approved an application for a Destination Iowa Grant for the Green Castle Campground. Destination Iowa plans to start accepting grant request on may 9th with $100 Million being allocated for eligible projects statewide.

At Monday’s meeting, the board also approved entering into an agreement with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for use of a fish habitat grant.

The board also approved a number of seasonal temporary hires for the Conservation Department, pending final approval be the Marshall County Board of Supervisors.

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