Thursday 6th March 2025

At their regular meeting on April 7th, the Poweshiek County supervisors approved an Iowa Department of Transportation budget for the county for the Fiscal Year 2023. An outline of the budget was presented for further view by County Engineer Lyle Brehm before being formally approved by the county board during last week’s meeting.

The board also approved the county’s 5-Year Program setting forth road & bridge projects proposed for completion over the next 5 years.

County Engineer Brehm also presented plans for a proposed bridge replacement project on County Road V-18 north of the high school in Brooklyn, which were later approved by the board.

Supervisors Chair Diana Daley discussed photos of the brush cutting being completed in rural road ditches. Dawley indicated she has received several complaints about the mess that was left from the shredding. County Engineer Lyle Brehm noted he would like to bring in the Road Superintendent to meet with the board to discuss any concerns about the process & look at options on how things could be done differently.

Poweshiek County Sheriff Tom Kriegel stated he has a 28E agreement with the Central Iowa Regional Tactical Team that required board signature & he also had an individual whom he would like to hire as a part-time dispatcher & jailer for the Sheriff’s Department. It was noted that the items in question needed to be added to the next supervisor’s agenda in order to be considered for final approval.

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