Monday 27th January 2025

Earlier this week, the Poweshiek County Supervisors approved a new contract agreement with Environmental Controls Incorporated for maintaining the heating and cooling system at the county Public Safety Building.

Supervisors this week also approved new 28E Agreement for mutual aid assistance with the Central Iowa Regional Tactical Team. The agreement is between the Grinnell Police Department, Jasper County Sheriff’s Office, Pella Police Department, and the Poweshiek County Sheriff’s Office for providing law enforcement services from one entity to the other, as needed.

A letter of agreement was also approved by the county board between the secondary road department and Poweshiek County for the period from June 6, 2022 through September 2, 2022 to establish a normal work week schedule, which will be four ten-hour days Monday through Thursday from 6:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., including a 30-minute lunch period. The exception would be the week that includes the Independence Day holiday where the employee would work three 10-hour days and designate the use of two hours vacation or compensatory time.