Sunday 26th January 2025

In an effort to better accommodate future staffing issues the Marshalltown school board approved implementing a $5,000 sign-on bonus for certain teaching positions at Monday’s regular meeting.

The sign-on bonus will include open 7th through 12th grade science teaching positions, as well as the open extended learning program teaching position.

During a previous meeting, the board also approved similar sign-on bonuses  for teaching positions in special education, high school French, industrial arts, and secondary math.

At Monday’s meeting, Dr. Theron Schutte recognized individual members of the Marshalltown school board for their service to the community as part of May School Board Recognition Month.

The board also recognized all MCSD teachers for their dedicated service as part of Teacher Appreciation Week.

The board also approved retirement requests for a select group of employees who have been with the Marshalltown School District for many years.

The board also received updates from various individuals representing Hoglan Elementary School and the Marshalltown Student School Board.

At Monday’s meeting. the board also approved a listing of early graduates for the MHS class of 2022.

A request was also approved on behalf of District Technology Director Amy Harmson for a new aquatic display and scoring equipment for use by the district.