Monday 24th February 2025

Eleven Nevada High School FFA members participated in three different state FFA Career Development events on Tuesday, June 14th at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids.

The Nevada FFA Floriculture Team placed 14th out of 41 teams in receiving a Silver Award.  Team members were Josie Kelly, Rowan Steele, Arianna Chappell, and Rhett Harter.

The Nevada FFA Horse Evaluation Team placed 28th out of 37 teams for a Silver Award.  Team members included Lily Henderson, Dakota Hastings, and Josslyn Leach.

The Nevada FFA Nursery-Landscape team placed 18th and received a Bronze Award.

All of the contests involved a written test of knowledge, oral reasons, practicums, problem solving, and demonstration of skills.

The Nevada High School FFA students were accompanied by Mr. Kevin Cooper, Ag Education Instructor and Advisor who drove the bus and accompanied  the students.