Monday 24th February 2025

Creekside Estates will be a new housing development here in Marshalltown off of S 6th street.  The street leading into the development finished recently and once approved, the construction of owner-occupied townhomes and a mixture of duplexes is slated to begin.  The Creekside Estates development project has come together through a partnership between the Prime Development Group, which owns the property near Wayward Social where the housing development will be, and the city of Marshalltown. The city took on the cost of the recently completed public street, as well as utilities access, the installation of a sewer line to serve the neighborhood and a trail connection from the freedom rock to the skate park. Prime Development Group will take on any additional costs.  The plan hasn’t been finalized yet, but they are hoping that the plan will be approved at the Oct. 13 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. It could then be presented to the city council for approval on Oct. 24.  Then construction can begin on the homes/duplexes.


Zach Tomesch, KFJB News Reporter