Monday 24th February 2025

November 8th is election day, which is the 2nd Tuesday in November.  If you’re like me and have no idea what will be in store for you that day, don’t worry you can cast your vote ahead of time.

That was Nan Benson, Marshall County Auditor/Recorder.  Here is Jessie Chizek, Deputy of Elections, explaining how to get registered to vote, even if you just moved to the county.

As someone without an Iowa Drivers License and who just moved here in September, I was able to register by filling out a form and presenting my Social Security Number.  If you miss getting registered and an absentee ballot by the 24th don’t worry, you haven’t missed anything

To register day of election you just need a valid ID with your current address

You can vote now at the Election Center, 107 S 1st Ave, if you have any questions you can reach out to them as well.


Zach Tomesch, News Reporter KFJB