Thursday 13th March 2025

Damon Borton is a bowler for the Marshalltown Bobcats.  Last night he bowled vs Ottumwa, and Damon bowled a 300!  300, is a perfect score, he bowled a strike on every ball in every frame.  Boys bowling remained undefeated last night facing off against Ottumwa.  Behind Damon Borton’s 300 the boys scored a total of 2652 to Ottumwa’s 2601.

Girls bowling lost their match 2103 to Ottumwa’s 2806.  Both teams next meet will be Tuesday December 20th, at Des Moines Roosevelt.

Boys and Girls Basketball faced off against Des Moines Lincoln last night in Des Moines.  Girls lost their game 39 to 51.  Boys won their game 78 to 59, they pulled away in the 2nd quarter out scoring the Railsplitters by 14 points.  Both teams will play next this Friday at the Marshalltown Roundhouse vs Fort Dodge.


Zach Tomesch, News Reporter KFJB