Thursday 27th March 2025

The Parks and Recreation department has a 10 year plan to upgrade all the parks in Marshalltown, this plan started in 2019.  Peterson Park, located at 1503 Woodbury St. and Kiwanis Park, located at 2206 S. 3rd Ave., are the parks the city is looking to upgrade this year.  Geoff Hubbard, Marshalltown Parks and Recreation Director, said one thing people have been asking for is a public soccer field.  All the soccer fields in town are owned by the soccer association, there are no public fields.  Geoff thinks that Kiwanis could be a great spot to add a soccer field.  One thought is to have Kiwanis Park being a mini-sports complex.  Soccer field, Pickleball court, Basketball court, and more.  They would still keep some playground stuff at Kiwanis too.  They are looking for input from people across the city, and you can give it online.

You will find a few ideas the parks department has already thought of.  You can add your own ideas under the “other” section.


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB