Sunday 2nd February 2025

According to City Councilor Mike Ladehoff, the Marshalltown City Council will be discussing trick or treating at the next meeting.  The idea is to move the trick or treating night, sometimes referred to as beggars night, to the last Saturday in October.  This would allow families to have ample time to get ready for trick or treating.  The 2nd part of the suggestion is to have the Trunk or Treating events moved to any other night.  This allows families to attend more trunk or treat events, as well as, allow our older generation to still see the kiddos in their costumes on beggars night.  Mike is asking for people to attend the meeting on Monday to start this conversation.  Nothing is set in stone, he just wants the conversation to start.  City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 5:30 pm in the City Council Chambers at 10 West State Street.

Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB