Monday 13th January 2025

Tonight the City of Marshalltown should get some clarity on the direction the City Council will take with the vacant 3rd Ward seat.  Dex Walker, former Ward 3 City Councilor in Marshalltown, resigned on July 3rd as his family had an opportunity they could not pass up in another community.  The City Council will decide tonight at the regularly scheduled meeting whether to make an appointment for someone to fill that seat or not.  With a special election on September 12th, anyone who is appointed would be present for 2 meetings, August 28th and September 11th.  The seat would then be on the ballot along side the franchise fee on September 12th. No matter the decision made by the City Council tonight, the vacant 3rd Ward seat will be on the September 12th special election ballot.

Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB