Sunday 2nd February 2025

Marshalltown announced Monday night through a release they will be accepting letters of interest for the Third Ward vacancy.  If the City Council decides to appoint someone to the position, the new councilor would sit for 2 meetings before the vacant seat is on the September 12th special election.  The new councilor would be there for August 28th and Sept 11th meetings.  The short-term appointment is legal, and some City Councilors want to go through with the plan even though it is just 2 meetings.  Candidates who are interested for appointment must submit a letter of interest addressed to Mayor Joel Greer and sent via email to or mailed or delivered to City Hall, 24 N. Center St., Marshalltown, IA 50158, with the name, address, and why the individual is interested by 4 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 10. Interviews will be conducted during the Aug. 14 regular meeting.  A resolution to appoint would likely be approved after the interviews.


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB