Wednesday 12th March 2025

Yesterday there was a turkey roaming Marshalltown to remind people to save a Turkey and eat a Taco.  Last night was the Marshalltown Area United Way partnered with Taco Johns and 20% of sales last night went back to the Marshalltown Area United Way.  The Turkey roaming was Executive Director, Kendra Sorenson, who stopped by KFJB to give an update for United Way.

This number does include the Power of the Purse event, which was the biggest Power of the Purse event in history! The Marshalltown Area United Way raised $39,500 at the event!

You can learn more about all the programs that the Marshalltown Area United Way supports on their website  The United Way Supports 32 programs in Marshall County.


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB