Sunday 23rd February 2025

Local Cub Scout Pack 394 that has participants from Garwin, Gladbrook, and Tama, will be selling cookie platters at the Marshalltown Hy-Vee on December 17th.  This is a fundraiser to help them pay their annual charter fees, and 100% of the donations will stay to help the local Pack 394.

That is cubmaster for Pack 394, Jessica Slifer.  She says that every family is asked to make cookies and then platters are put together with all the different kinds of cookies.  She then mentions what scouts in Pack 394 get to do.

Slifer mentions that if anyone has a Kindergartener to 5th grader who may be interested in Cub Scouts, you can find their Facebook page, Cub Scout Pack 394.


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB