Saturday 1st March 2025

A nativity scene displayed in front of the Toledo Fire Department has sparked some controversy in the town.  The city of Toledo received a letter from the Freedom From Religion Foundation, a non-profit out of Madison, Wisconsin.  The letter, which is posted on the City of Toledo Facebook page, states that a community member reached out with their concern over the nativity scene displayed at the Toledo Fire Department.  The concern is that the nativity scene, which is based in the Christian faith depicting a Christian story, does not respect the first amendment.  The letter states that Nativity Scenes on public property are unnecessary, inappropriate, and divisive.  As of now the Nativity scene has been removed.  The Facebook post is inviting people to come to the City Council meeting this evening at 5pm to voice your opinion on the matter, one way or the other.


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB