Saturday 25th January 2025

On Monday night the Marshalltown City Council discussed the 1 year agreement to fund the MACC, Marshalltown Arts and Civic Center, at $100,000.  This has been a topic of conversation for many at recent city council meetings and many spoke Monday in support or against this agreement.  City Councilor Greg Nichols was one of the first to speak

Al Hoop, longtime city councilor in Ward 4, asked to speak and had a specific question

Mayor Joel Greer then called up the president of the MACC, Karn Gregoire, to speak about the name change, as she had previously discussed this idea with the Fisher family, who supported the name change.

Ultimately the vote did not passed with 4 Councilors voting against the support and 3 voting in favor. Al Hoop’s vote changed from the original discussion, meaning the resolution failed.


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB