Wednesday 19th February 2025

One discussion item at Monday’s Marshalltown City Council meeting was over the quiet zone or safety zone project with the railroad crossings.  The idea is to create a safe crossing at all the railroad crossings, then the trains would not need to blow their whistle as they approach each crossing.

That is Heather Thomas, Marshalltown Public Works Director.  The discussion on Monday shifted to negotiating with the Union Pacific.  The City Councilors then discussed the possibility of closing the 2nd Street crossing, down by the YMCA.  What could the UP offer in return?

Ultimately the City Councilors voted 7 – 0 in favor of using the 2nd St. Crossing as a negotiating tool to see if the Union Pacific would pay for a pedestrian bridge or any other safety updates to the other crossings.


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB