Sunday 23rd February 2025

Last night was the first Marshalltown City Council meeting since the passing of long time City Councilor Al Hoop.  During Mayor, Councilor, and Administrator comments, Mayor Joel Greer gave each Councilor time to speak. Mike Ladehoff kicked it off.

Councilor Barry Kell knew Al Hoop first as a baseball coach

Each Councilor had a unique take on Al and what he meant to this community.  He was able to touch so many lives in a variety of ways.  Whether that was as a city councilor, veteran, boss, mentor, coach, or just the guy who always shows up.  Al cared about Marshalltown, and the history of this city cannot be written without him.  Mayor Greer was the last one to speak.

Visitation for Al Hoop will begin tonight at 6pm at the Marshalltown Roundhouse, the funeral will start at 7pm


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB