Monday 3rd February 2025

Last night at the Marshalltown City Council meeting one item discussed was how to fill the vacancy of Ward 4 after the death of Al Hoop.  There are 2 directions the council could go, hold a special election or appoint someone.  If a special election is held, the winner would finish Al Hoops term through 2027.  If an appointment is made, then the Ward 4 position would be on the November ballot.  With that information, councilors then discussed, here is Barry Kell.

As the comments moved around the table, it was clear that the majority were in favor of having a special election.  Greg Nichols echoes that in his comments.

A special election will be held on July 16th, and the winner will fill the seat immediately and finish the current term.  To learn about candidate qualifications, you can visit and there is a city elections page with qualifications and resources.


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB