Friday 21st February 2025

KFJB listeners have heard from Alyce Quastad about Cleaniac, which is the group that is leading clean up for Earth Day.  According to Cleaniac’s Facebook page, they are encouraging people to get out and clean up around town the next 3 Saturdays.  Ward 1 City Councilor in Marshalltown, Mike Ladehoff, he made the call at Monday’s City Council meeting.

Ladehoff says that the Parks in Ward 1 are already claimed by groups.  He said that they will have things like garbage bags and gloves for people to use while cleaning up.

Different groups have signed up to help throughout the next few Saturdays, whether that’s companies, nonprofits, or families working together.  Earth Day, April 22, is a good reminder each year to clean up our community.  To learn how to volunteer, check out the Cleaniac page on Facebook.


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB