Sunday 23rd February 2025

The weather yesterday did not cooperate for the sporting events scheduled.  The Boys Tennis Quad that was scheduled yesterday was postponed until today.  At 11am Mason City will take on Ottumwa and Marshalltown will face Des Moines Lincoln.  Then at 2pm, MC will face Lincoln and Marshalltown will take on Ottumwa.  All at the Marshalltown Court Complex

Yesterday Bobcat boys soccer was scheduled to take on Des Moines Hoover, that game is now set for April 22nd, details on time and location are not finalized.

The Bobcat girls tennis meet against Des Moines Lincoln scheduled for Thursday this week will now be a home meet.  Girls tennis against the Railsplitters will start at 2pm tomorrow at the Marshalltown Court Complex


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB