Wednesday 12th February 2025

Most of the State received below normal rainfall and experienced mild temperatures. These conditions allowed Iowa farmers 5.1 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending July 14, 2024, according to the USDA.  Topsoil moisture condition rated 0 percent very short, 6 percent short, 84 percent adequate and 10 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture condition rated 1 percent very short, 8 percent short, 82 percent adequate and 9 percent surplus.

Corn silking or beyond reached 44 percent, 1 day ahead of last year and 3 days ahead of the five-year average. Corn crop in the dough stage reached 6 percent, 5 days ahead of the average. Corn condition rated 74 percent good to excellent.

Soybean crop blooming reached 50 percent, 3 days behind last year. Soybeans setting pods reached 12 percent, 1 day behind last year but equal to the five-year average. Soybean condition rated 72 percent good to excellent.


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB