Sunday 2nd February 2025

Miller Middle School turns 100 years old this year and the Marshalltown Community School District has come up with a plan to update the Middle School.   Dr. Robert Moore is part of the committee that reviewed Miller and came up with a plan. He says that he was glad to be part of the committee

Dr. Moore says it was a challenge to weigh the history with what is needed for the students.  He compared Miller Middle School to the Marshall County Courthouse and asked, ‘What if we tore that down in the 70s or after the 2018 tornado?’

Last night the Marshalltown Community School District approved the bond referendum and the bond vote will be on the November election.  The bond for Miller Middle School will be an additional $1.28 per $1000 of valuation.  Dr. Schutte, Superintendent of Marshalltown Schools, says that the school levy has dropped nearly $3 since 2021.


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB