Wednesday 22nd January 2025

M.I.C.A., Mid Iowa Community Action, provides a ton of different services in our community.  They have 2 locations in Marshalltown, but recently announced that they will be consolidating their services to 1 location.  Abra Dougherty, Resource Development and Communications Coordinator, says their contact information will stay the same, just all services will be at their 18th Ave. location.

Dougherty explains what services will move from the 2nd St. location to 18th Ave.

Dougherty says that the move will take place on September 9th, but the 2nd St. Offices may be partially closed on the 5th and 6th as the move and packing will begin.  For further questions you can reach out directly to Dougherty at M.I.C.A.


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB