Tuesday 11th March 2025

Operation Christmas Meal is in its 14th year of giving out free pork loins to different communities in Iowa. Jamie Horbach is the Director of Public Affairs for Iowa Select Farms. She says this program is supported by the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation and Iowa Select.

They plan to distribute 27,000 pounds of free pork over the next 2 weeks. 24 different communities will have a stop for Operation Christmas Meal, starting today in Des Moines.

That Des Moines location started at 5am this morning at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. Anyone is able to wait in line for a pork loin.

Head to IowaSelect.com or head to Iowa Select Farms Facebook page to find the locations over the next two weeks. Today started Operation Christmas Meal in Des Moines, the final day will be December 19th with 4 total stops.

Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB