Monday 24th February 2025

The Animal Rescue League of Marshalltown is no different than any other non-profit, at the end of each year they are usually making calls to make up any budget short falls throughout the year. This year, the ARL had a $15,000 hole and originally their plan was to slow down on the pet food pantry for the last month.


That is Austin Gillis the Executive Director for the Animal Rescue League of Marshalltown. Gillis says this donation was 100% unexpected and a surprise to the staff. Initially the staff thought the man was coming to surrender their dog.


Not do be out done, but another major donation came to the Animal Rescue League of Marshalltown recently.


Gillis says they barely had room to store all of the cat litter. He says that this community is fantastic and always shows up when called upon. The holidays are already off to a good start for him and his staff.


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB