Sunday 23rd February 2025

Announced earlier this week, the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union state swimming and diving championships will be held in Iowa City and not at the Marshalltown YMCA. Kim Jass-Ramirez, CEO of the Marshalltown YMCA issued a statement yesterday.

“We have been proud to host the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union state swimming and diving championships for more than 20 years. We are so grateful to the Marshalltown community, which has wholeheartedly supported this event. We are confident that we have made a positive impact on the sport.” She goes on to day, “We will continue to host events which draw people from all areas to Marshalltown. We’ve already added a new event to our schedule: the Special Olympics will have their Iowa State Meet here on March 29th. And in just a few weeks, hundreds of athletes and spectators will be in town for the YMCA State Championship Swim Meet on March 1st & 2nd.”

We will hear more from Jass-Ramirez as she is the guest for Central Iowa Today, this afternoon at 12:45 on KFJB.


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB