The Animal Rescue League of Marshalltown rescued 2 animals over the weekend from living in a car with their owner. The 2 animals, a dog and snake, were malnourished and in rough condition.
The snake, a reticulated python named Nagini, typically gets to 30 feet or longer. Currently Nagini was 44 inches long, just under 4 feet, and approximately 2 or 3 years old. A typical reticulated python would be 10 – 13 feet long at that age. The specialist that examined Nagini estimated it had not had any substantial food source for over a year. Another challenge facing the ARL was that a reticulated python is illegal to own in majority of America, so it would be tough to find a home.
With all of that information in mind the ARL decided it was best to end the suffering for Nagini. Their Facebook page says, “Her poor frail body had just been through too much for her to have a full recovery with any sort of quality of life.”
Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB