Saturday 22nd February 2025

Better Together is a phrase that many non-profits in Marshalltown use as many try to work together so they can expand their resources. CAPS, Child Adolescent and Parent Support, seems to be involved whenever help is needed in our community. Executive Director, Linda Havelka, says that is just who they are and what they do.

CAPS is trying to meet families and individuals where they are at in life.

Havelka says the phrase, “It takes a village” rings true in Marshalltown. CAPS has a Crisis Intervention Program where many people they help are referred to them by other organizations.

The Crisis Intervention Program is intended to help families with immediate needs and Havelka talks about what they are seeing lately.

MPACT has been a huge help in identifying those in our community who need help. CAPS is asking the community to send anyone who may need assistance to them.


Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB