There are some important dates in the coming weeks leading up to the Center Street and Main Street project happening this spring. Marshalltown Public Works Director Heather Thomas says, they will open blind bids next week.
Thomas explains that as a public entity in Iowa they need to accept the lowest responsible responsive bid. Thomas is expecting this project to come in around $8 – 8.3 million
Phase 1 will start in early April, and that will be the Center Street portion of the project.
Thomas says Church St. will be able to turn south on to Center or continue west across town. Church St. will have 1 lane closed down to give a buffer to the workers.
She says this will be just like the gravel path that was across State St. from the parking lot to the Park and Rec building. Phase 2 will also happen this summer, and that will kick off once Phase 1 is open to traffic.
Thomas will be the guest for Central Iowa Today and will go into further details about the construction this year for the Center and Main Street project. She also predicts what they may find under Main Street.
Zach Tomesch, News Director KFJB